204 research outputs found

    Contraste radiográfico del esófago : a propósito de algunos casos clínicos

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    Se describen cuatro casos clínicos con patología esofágica: dos casos de cuerpos extraños, un divertículo esofágico y un megaesófago, con especial incidencia en el diagnóstico radiográfico, y que nos sirven de base para discutir la conveniencia o no de utilizar medios de contraste en la radiología del esófago.Four clinical cases with esophageal pathology are described: a megaesophagus, a esophageal diverticula and two foreign bodies. The radiological diagnosis is emphasized, and a discusion about the convenience or not of using contrast for the radiological exploration of the esophagus is made

    Diagnóstico radiológico de masas abdominales

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    Se describen las características radiológicas de seis casos clínicos distintos que presentaban masas abdominales, sirviendo esta descripción como base a una discusión final sobre el diagnóstico y valoración radiológica de este tipo de hallazgos.Six diffirent clinical cases with abdominal mases are radiologically described and a discussion of the radiological criteria for this type of diagnosis is made

    Carcinoma hepatocelular primario en perro : descripción de 2 casos clínicos

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    Se describen dos casos de carcinoma hepático primario en perro, incluyendo en cada uno los resultados de la bioquímica clínica y hematología, examen radiológico y ecográfico. Se discute la utilidad de cada uno de estos métodos en el diagnóstico de este tipo de patología hepática, sus ventajas e inconvenientes.Two clinical cases of hepatocellular carcinoma are described in dogs. Biochemical and haematological profiles as well as radiological and ultrasound features are included. The uselfulness and advantages of these diagnostical methods are discussed

    Diagnóstico por imagen de un caso de invaginación intestinal

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    Aprovechando como base un caso clínico de intususcepción intestinal, se discuten las ventajas e inconvenientes de los dos métodos de diagnóstico por imagen más usuales en medicina veterinaria, como son la radiología y la ecografía.A clinical case of intestinal intussusception in a dog is described, emphatazing the imaging diagnosis and discussing about the advantages and disadvantages of the two most used methods, as radiology and ultrasonography

    Variantes textuales sorprendentes en las comedias de la Sexta parte de Calderón

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    El trabajo del crítico textual se basa en los errores de copia. Aquí se han considerado varios tipos que señalan sorprendentes cambios en la ‘Sexta parte’ de Calderón. Se puede establecer toda una tipología causada por una variedad, casual muchas veces, de circunstancias propias y ajenas al texto.------------------------------------------Textual critique is based on errors of copying. This article deals with various types of errors that indicate surprising changes in the ‘Sexta parte’ of Calderón's comedies. In fact, a whole typology of frequently accidental varieties, resulting from circumstances within and without the text, can be established

    Marie Anne Paulze Lavoisier: unha descoñecida científica

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    [RESUMO] A contribución das mulleres á creación científica ao longo da historia da Humanidade non parece importante se consideramos o pouco que aparecen nos libros de texto; deste xeito, o alumnado non advertirá a existencia de mulleres que fixeron ou elaboraron leis ou teorías nas ciencias. Personaxes como: Hipatia de Alejandría, Hildegarda de Birgen, Caroline Herschel, María Cunitz, Marie Orr Evershed, Augusta Ada Byron, María Montagu, María Agnesi, Sophía Germain, Sonya Kovalevski, María Goeppter Mayer, Rosalin Franklin, Lise Meitner,..., son descoñecidas do gran público. Incluso aquelas que resultan ser coñecidas, como Irene ou Marie Curie, tampouco foron dabondo valoradas. Para recuperar estas mulleres científicas do silencio e do esquecemento e facelas visibles debemos sacar á luz as súas achegas. Este é o caso da protagonista da nosa comunicación. Marie-Anne Pierrette Paulze, que nos libros aparece como a esposa de Lavoisier, pero non como unha persoa con coñecementos científicos profundos como esperamos amosar. Presentamos as súas no mundo da química, que practicaba xunto ao seu home, e a todos cantos científicos formaban o chamado grupo do Arsenal

    The effect of transport time, season and position on the truck on stress response in rabbits

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    [EN] The present study analyzed the effect of transport time, season and position on the truck on physiological stress response of commercial rabbits in Aragón (Spain). A total of 156 animals were sampled in a 2x2x3 factorial design testing two transport times: short, 1 hour (1hT) and long, 7 hours (7hT), in two different seasons: hot, during summer (HT) and cold during winter (CT), and three different positions on the truck: upper, middle or lower decks in multi-floor cages on rolling stands (MFRS-top, MFRS-middle and MFRS-bottom). Three replicates were performed per treatment. Blood samples were taken at sticking during slaughter to compare hematocrite, corticosterone, glucose, lactate and Creatine Kinase (CK) levels as well as the ultimate pH of the carcass (pH24). Corticosterone and CK levels were highest in 1hT rabbits. With respect to season, colder temperatures increased corticosterone, while warmer temperatures increased CK (P<0.001). Regarding position on the truck, MFRS-middle and bottom rabbits had higher levels of glucose, corticosterone and CK. The pH24 values were within normal ranges for all treatments but slightly higher for animals transported in winter. In general, transport time and season were significant stressors for commercial rabbits, due to the effects on their physiological states. Position on the truck seems to have an effect on stress response to transport in rabbits. However, pH24, which is considered one of the main parameters of welfare measurements, was not affected by transport time or position on the truck.Our project was financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (CICYT AGL-2002-01346). The authors wish to thank CUIN S.L. in Villanueva de Gállego and the associations MADECUN and ASESCU for their collaboration.Liste, M.; María, GA.; García-Belenguer, S.; Chacón, G.; Gazzola, P.; Villarroel, M. (2008). The effect of transport time, season and position on the truck on stress response in rabbits. World Rabbit Science. 16(4). doi:10.4995/wrs.2008.618SWORD16

    Policitemia Vera en el perro : a propósito de un caso clínico

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    Se describe un caso de policitemia vera en perro. Se discute el diagnóstico diferencial del proceso, pronóstico y tramiento.A c1inical case of primary polycythemia in a dog is described. The differential diagnosis, prognosis and treatment are discussed